The acceptance of this AGREEMENT OF CONSENT registers the free, informed and unequivocal expression by which the Holder (USER) agrees with the treatment of his personal data by PBA SERVIÇO E COMÉRCIO DE PEDRAS ORNAMENTAIS LTDA, a legal entity under private law registered with the CNPJ under the number 07.214.630/0001-08, headquartered at Rodovia Governador Mário Covas, No. 24.607, Calogi, Serra/ES – CEP 29180-400 (CONTROLLING), in accordance with Law 13.709 – General Law for the Protection of Personal Data ( LGPD), with the specific purpose of registering in our email list to send news, offers and promotions about our products and services.

PBA Stones does not lend or sell your data to third parties. We may share your data with third parties only to achieve the purposes for which they were collected, such as email sending tools, for example.

If you no longer want to receive information or communications from PBA Stones, just click on the unsubscribe link in the message itself or you can contact us at any time by sending a message to protecao.dados@pbastones.com.br, requesting the removal of your email address from our list. We reserve the right to request some additional information to meet the demand, if sent by email.


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